坎昆 Cancún, Quintana Roo, Mexico

墨西哥東側臨近加勒比海,這裡有一處全球著名的海灘渡假勝地坎昆 Cancún,整個坎昆渡假區成 7 字型,全長 14 英哩,1970年被墨西哥聯邦政府選定開發的時侯,這裡僅是一片毫無人煙的瀉湖。

坎昆 Cancún除了金黃色的沙灘,清澈透明的海水及餐飲全包All-inclusive 的渡假旅館之外,其週邊還有原始叢林中的瑪雅古蹟,隱身珊瑚礁中的熱帶魚羣,無數的探險遊樂園區等。

Resting on the northeast corner of the Mexican Caribbean, Cancun was built on a site selected as the ideal spot for a new tourist development by the Mexican federal government. The state of Quintana Roo was still a federal territory and the area had few inhabitants when construction started in 1970.

It is composed of fourteen miles of pristine white beaches shaped like a number "7", home of the Mayan archaeological wonders, turquoise seas, a bountiful underwater world, and world-class vacation amenities. It is still considered the gateway to the Mayan World ("El Mundo Maya"). Mayan temples and ritual sites are everywhere, some smothered by lush jungle, others easily accessible. Good tourist attractions.

Information Source : Wiki Travel

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